Saturday, June 16, 2012

America: Land of the Enslaved, Home of the Insane


I'm beginning to think this country, my country; the United States is slowly & steadily going insane and hence, slowly circling the drain like a freshly flushed toilet. Case in point - Was walking the dogs this morning (on the sidewalk) and was stopped by two cops on bikes. They needed to inform me that residents of the neighborhood have been complaining about people walking, jogging etc on the bike lanes in the street and if caught doing so, we could be fined. Fined? Seriously? For walking?

Fast forward 2 hours. I'm working on my computer and the news is on in the background. A news story caught my attention. The city of Scottsdale, Arizona has enacted a law that will fine you $750 dollars AND (not or) JAIL TIME for committing one of the most despicable crimes I've ever heard of:
Feeding ducks.
Yes, if you're caught with your children enjoying a day at the park with a bag of stale bread for your kids to feed the ducks with, plan on spending at least one night in the clink and forking over a huge chunk of change. What an absolute disgrace. All of this after our joke of a president pretty much came out and paved the way for amnesty for illegals. How quaint.
America - Land of the Enslaved, Home of the Insane. Welcome to the Police State.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Honor 42...

To start off – yes. I will be honoring 42 today. But I’ve always had an uncomfortable uneasiness about the whole “honor 42″ movement. Pat Tillman was a patriot. Although I would question the manner of his death as “heroic” as Pat was killed by friendly fire during a period of confusion between two allied groups. War truly is hell.
But I digress. That isn’t the purpose of this post.
The purpose of this post is to be careful and not wear those blinders too tightly. Pat Tillman was but one death in over 3,500 casualties since the Iraq war began on 3/19/2003. Every one of those casualties is as equally important as Pat’s loss. Do the right thing and Honor 42 but also do not forget :
George R Roehl – Age 21 – Pfc. Army – Died 4/11/2006
Scott L. Kirkpatrick – Age 26 – Sgt. Army – Died 8/11/2007
Emilio J Campo – Age 20 – Spc. Army – Died 6/6/2011
Erin L McLyman – Age 26 – Pfc Army – Died 3/13/2010

To name but a very small few who died in such a senseless & unjust war.
Yes, Pat gave up an illustrious NFL career to go and fight for his country. Don’t forget, every one of those kids gave up something to go and fight for their country. Unfortunately, the end result was giving up their lives. So Honor 42; but also take the time to honor the 3500+ souls that are no longer with us.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

I'm still alive!

Yea, yea... I'm still alive!
This is the site of the original SjN Chronicles. I've since migrated over to my new wordpress site: SjN Chronicles. I use this site mainly for linking up other Blogger sites!


Friday, July 17, 2009

TREK CON 2006!!

Was asked to link up my trip to Trek CON! Back in 2006, I had the geek trip of a life time!

Met a ton of Trek "icons" as well as some other Sci-Fi notables. My personal favorite was Ray Park! He was the most personable guy I've ever met!

Check it out here!

TREK CON 2006!


By the way, this site it rarely used anymore. If you want to check in on what SjN is doing, head on over to my OFFICIAL SITE! It's linked over there on the right!


Sunday, September 17, 2006

What's Next!! What's next!!! What's Next!!!

Ever wanted to get something off your chest but felt that your rant would be somewhat ummmm.... controversial? Well, let Drinking With Bob do it for you!!

This guy is outrageous! I want to say up front that if you are easily offended, stay away, far away from Bob. He pulls no punches on topics like: Driving With Cellphones, Child Molesters & Paris Hilton. But he lays it out how it should be.

"In your face" honesty.

Some of my favorites? Well, Illegal Immigrants & Gas Companies are just a couple of the notables that Bob Screams about. Yea, there will be some topics that you flat out will disagree with but the beauty of freedom in the United States is Bob's right to rant...

Go BOB!!!


The ULTIMATE Lightsaber Duel

What happens when you mix 2 parts Nerd, 2 parts Lightsabres with a splash of DVCAM and a whole lot of time?


Guys, this is awesome. After I watched this, I just sat there speechless. You talented nerds out there need to start producing more of this great stuff! You know who I'm talking about - cough...cough...herbertmidgley...cough...cough!!!

This gem treats you to five, count 'em FIVE heart pounding, sabre welding, force pushing minutes of solid sabre duel! Just enough to get a geek salivating! So, without further adieu, click the link already!!!

Hope you all enjoy this little tidbit of Geek Fantasy.


Saturday, March 11, 2006

- And The Universe Was In Harmony...

ahhhhhh.... Geeky, IR transmitting, universally programmable, JPG & GIF supporting, couch potato loving...


Thats right. Today, I picked up a Logitech Harmony 880 Universal Remote Control. I gotta tell you the truth. I think the clouds parted, angels sung on high, and beams of celestial energy shown upon the awesomness that is the Harmony 880. GET THIS REMOTE!

I've been kicking around the idea of picking up a universal remote for quite some time now. I've been getting tired of juggling remote controls around every time I want to watch a DVD. Now, after setting up the Harmony, I merely press ONE BUTTON and instantly my TV turns on and changes to the correct input, the receiver turns on and switches to DVD/LD and last but not least, the DVD fires up and awaits that oh so, precious Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire DVD! Need to turn down those lights to enjoy that Potter? No problem, just add some X-10 modules to the lamps. BAM! Instant Harmony-controlled lighting!

The LCD screen is customizable with buttons, wallpapers and other dittys that make any geek quiver with excitement. It's all accessable via Logitech's website and a USB cable with the remote attached. Yes, you heard that right. The remote is configured via the Internet. (insert man grunt here...)

Heck, the only thing thats missing is the LCARS Ships Computer requesting further instructions! If you've been shopping for a remote to make your digital life easier, definately check out the Harmony 880!

Gonna go play with my remote some more. I've just gotta find out what this "stun" setting is for!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Welcome To The Suck...

This is AWESOME! Was surfing over on Leo Laporte's TWiT website and I stumble across this.

I gotta tell ya, I develop a love for those soldiers more and more everyday. Twiter's even manage to get their geeks on in the midst of "The Suck".

Not only are they saving my sorry hyde from the ravages of terrorism, they're promoting the TwiT ARMY as well! It's good to know Leo Laporte and the geeks over at Revision3 are providing some good entertainment for the soldiers. Heck, I'd be thrilled if some of them tune in to my favorite cast -
Return Of Whatever! I'm sure Herb and Amit would hit the ceiling if they knew that.

The guys & gals need something to get them away from that nightmare if only for an hour or so. Kudo's to you podcasters! Well, I'm off to go backup up some GMail accounts. Until next I bang on this keyboard -

Welcome To The Suck...